
Conductor:   Li-Ying Shang

Li-Ying Shang, a well-known soprano in the Taiwanese church community, was born in the Tainan prominent Shang family that has a long tradition of celebration of classical music.

Ms. Shang began to study piano and vocal in her early childhood. During her four-year of study at the Tunghai University she received the professional vocal training from the famous soprano Mrs. Teh-Yau Wu – wife of  the school’s Principal and the Chorale Conductor Professor  Teh-An Cheng. In addition, Ms. Carter, the faculty member at the school helped Li-Ying in improving her piano technique. Under the influences and the encouragement by her mentors, Ms. Shang developed a great passion and involved deeply in the sacred church music.

While studying at the Northeastern Illinois State University, she was also pursuing choral conducting under the guidance of Dr. David Larson. After receiving a Master Degree in Mathematics, she began her career as a Computer Programmer Analyst and later as a Data Base Administrator. For over 30 years Li-Ying was able to constantly conduct her beloved church music and maintain her full-time career working in the computer field.

Ms. Shang is considered as one of the most outstanding Taiwanese chorale conductors in Southern California. Besides conducting  choirs in multiple churches, she had conducted numerous oratorio performances. From 1990-1997, Li-Ying had led the Chorale of Taiwanese Presbyterian Churches in Southern California to perform the major sacred music pieces composed by 18-20 century composers. The repertoires included Mozart’s “Requiem” and his Chorale Music, Handel’s “Messiah”, Haydn’s “The Creation”, Mendelssohn’s “Elijah” and Cantata “Hear My Prayer”, Charles Gound’s “St. Cecilia Mass”, Beethoven’s “Choral Fantasy”, etc. The choir also performed the choral music written by Professor Tyzen Hsiao’s, a renowned pianist and composer in Taiwanese community.

In the year of 2000, Li-Ying was invited to participate the “Musical Spirit Healing” program in her homeland Taiwan after the devastated earthquake in the central Taiwan area on September 11, 1999. She applied the same methodology of “Musical Spirit Healing” to rehabilitate drug addicted prisoners in Tainan County Prison. Furthermore, Li-Ying has conducted the Tainan YMCA Chorus to give several impressive performances at Tainan Municipal Culture Center since 2002. In June 2011, she is scheduled to lead the Tainan YMCA Chorus again to perform Haydn’s “The Creation” at Tainan Municipal Culture Center.

指 揮/ 商麗鶯


獲伊利諾州立大學數學碩士。從事電腦程式與資料壘分析設計師二十餘年。在芝加哥期間深受聖樂權威 Dr. David Larson 的指揮技巧的影響、訓練與鼓勵,對教會音樂與詩班指揮 更有 偏愛與信心。精研合唱指揮技巧,重視合唱和聲的優美及咬字的精確,強調人文藝術與音樂 的融會貫通。

四十多年指揮生涯中,除了擔任多所教會詩班指揮外,無論在台灣或在美國,多次完成讓聽眾深受感動又難以忘懷的演唱會。1991 – 1997年,指揮「南加州台灣人長老教會聖樂團」  演唱莫扎特『安魂曲』與聖樂曲、韓德爾『彌賽亞』、海頓『創造』、孟德爾頌 『以利亞』  三大聖樂神劇、孟德爾頌『聽我祈求』清唱劇、古諾『St. Cecilia』 彌撒曲、 蕭泰然教授 『耶穌基督』神劇(第一次以絃樂團伴奏),聖樂曲及台灣民謠編曲、貝多芬『幻想合唱曲』等,深受洛杉磯主流音樂界肯定。


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